P-05-984 Stop discriminatory remote consultations for incinerator applications during the Covid-19 Pandemic


This petition was submitted by Councillor Amanda Jenner having collected a total of 392 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

It has been announced that due to COVID-19, an applicant for a large incinerator intends to hold a "remote" planning consultation. Under Developments of National Significance legislation, this is allowed. Due to Covid-19, the County Councillor & Community Council won't be able to hold public or face-to-face meetings with residents. This is a very technical & emotive application. It is unfair/discriminatory on the elderly, disabled & those who are shielding to remotely consult during this period.


Additional Information:

Some elderly residents may not use nor have access to the internet. Some may not feel comfortable taking part in this consultation over the telephone. Incinerator applications are very technical so both the County Councillor & Community Council had intended to hold public meetings to ensure all residents could access, understand & take part in the consultation. The incinerator applicant had also previously indicated that they'd hold a public meeting and ‘drop-in’ events. This will not be allowed due to Covid-19.


Furthermore, this matter has been in the pipe-line for a number of years. It would not be unreasonable for the Welsh Government Planning Inspectorate to delay this consultation until public and face-to-face meetings are allowed and safe again. This would be in the public interest. It would ensure that elderly residents and those with disabilities or who may be shielding, will have fair access to feed into this consultation should they wish to.


Relates to DNS/3214813


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Montgomeryshire

·         Mid and West Wales